Monday, June 29, 2009

Good Bye UK, Doubleminded though!!!

Proud to be writing these blogs from a palce where Raja Ram Mohan Roy someone, who dreamt first of the modern India, breathed his last - Bristol. Bristol, has been a city that has faced a lot during WWII, bombed by the German force, it has however risen like a phoenix from the ashes, though not able to meet the modern British industrial empires of Manchester and Birmingham. The tale of this city rising back however may be an inspiration for me to rise back at work which seems to have been hitting new lows!

It is about three weeks that I have to say goodbye to UK and well its high time I need to say goodbye to the country which was my foster home for the most part of the past nine months. Too much has happened over this duration to put in writing and the contents may not suit the blog professionally as well, as a book might earn me better royalty ;)

The Indian companies that we work for, mostly are ready to do almost anything to the worst way to get business not caring on the fate and status of their employees which seems to be quite bad. Of course with the neo colonialism, the clients at the other end try to squeeze max out of the offshored software companies the other side! However with no one daring to say a NO, its the Indian employees who are in turn suffering because of this neo-colonialistic regimes.

With mixed mind and mixed feelings, I bid goodbye to UK shortly and looking forward for the next fortnight I have to pass here.